Big Bear Voting
Bill 909-683-9397
[all in lower case]
Participation in and obediance to our local majority-will [established by your Big Bear Voting site] is your certain means to weaken, destroy and replace all current governing. We all must vow to democratically destroy and replace every level of our current, corrupt government rather than reform it. When 80% of us permanent residents 'vote' for Big Bear's secession from the United States [or vote to take any action] we attain morally supreme governing authority to force our majority's will. In order to actually WIN our revolution, without suffering annihilation by the US military, we must decide how many billionaires we must execute [not murder] to assure that our enemy will capitulate and respect our complete soveriegnty. We have the bountiful resources to democratically force: 1] sustainable, universal prosperity; 2] justice; and, 3] freedom .... for all Big Bear's citizens. The name for opinion-polling certain to become governing is: Extra-Governmental Voting ['EGV']. Using our 'EGV' we must elect our local Government in Waiting [GIW]. Our GIW must obey the majority-will of our citizens when they convict evil billionaires using our 'Trial By Vote' [TBV]. I invite you to click on the links to the opinion polls and take 20-minutes per week reading and voting to make Big Bear the most glorious civilization in history. It's our hope that everyone living majority within any 25sq mi [minimum size] area of earth [and containing at least 5000 inhabitants] must make this same pledge of allegiance to their governing ceaselessly forced by their local majority vote.