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Bill Kahn for Governor of California Write-in. 2018. Call= 714-794-5116 

Immediately after you elect me, using one of your upcoming 'EGV's ['extra-governmental voting' websites], you'll place me on trial for my life, 24/7/365. If I betray you I fully expect to be executed if the majority of you Californians so judge. None of the other candidates deserve your vote [or trust] unless they're equally eager to suffer death if they betray you. Electing me governor is: 1] Your revolutionary triumph over planet-destroying, criminal billionaires; and, 2] California's majority seizing [24/7/365] supreme, governing authority. By 2018's election, you 28,000,000 adult Californians, certain your transparent, incorruptible 'EGV' has reported a genuine vote count, will then force your ACTUAL governor [hopefully me] into office without armed conflict. After you've executed the death sentences you impose on about 20 criminal, government-owning billionaires [using your 'EGV's to conduct 'TBV's [Trials By Vote]], the rest will eagerly surrender government to you. Please photograph when you additionally submit your 'wasted' 'vote' in the 'government's' corrupt system. This evidence, correctly used, will prove that every judge and district attorney in California are criminals, totally complicit in election theft. Achieve then maintain your dictatorial command over government by using your 'EGV's to: 1] Impose these first, severe 'TBV' sentences; then, after election, 2] Ceaselessly [20min per week?] command my abject obedience to your majority-will. I hope you'll elect about 8000 of your fellow Californians that I'll hire to provide: 1st] Environmental Restoration and Defense, Hydrogen Infrastructure, Arts/Entertainment, Free Health Care and WiFi, Labor Defense, Agricultural Assistance, more; 2nd] Assistance to your governor that efficiently nullifies or disbands all the current governing entities that attempt to prevent the execution your majority-will. Your 24/7/365, dictatorial command over me will force a quality of environmental, economic and societal justice/freedom superior to what any civilization has ever achieved in the history. My free book [on my website= ] thoroughly explains my governing priorities/platform [preliminarily similar to the Justice Democrat's platform] and the 'TBV' [Trial By Vote] process. Some priorities: 1] $1500 per mo Guaranteed Basic Income [You vote on border defense]; 2] High Wages= Australian model; 3] NO TAXES! [see book]; 4] Sovereign, Local [25sq mi min] districts elect their own police/judges/DAs; 5] Fracking/drilling, GMOs, overdevelopment, drug arrests, pollution, most logging/mining END; 6] FREE Health Care, College, Internet; 7] Hydrogen/Renewables replace fossil fuel; 8] Habitat, River, Forest, Wetland restoration; 9] Ranked choice voting/Proportional representation; more.

Contact:  [000= zeroes]. Bill Kahn 714-794-5116

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